welcome to the mystery school
welcome to DIMA
DIMA is a place that is committed to supporting its guests and residents to live in authenticity and connection. It is a school and a playground in which we learn to detect and dismantle layers of our conditionings that get in the way of that natural flow of being. We do this by collectively participating in both the Mystery School’s curriculum and in daily life in the community centre, which both are designed and devoted to serve continuous growth and expansion.
In the Mystery School, we do not believe that we have to accumulate more knowledge in order to grow as human beings. On the contrary, we aim to unlearn and shed everything that hinders us from being truly connected to ourselves and others.
Together we create a field in which we can safely unravel, heal and integrate the places in ourselves that are disconnected. This container is created by the holding environment of the Mystery School’s purposefully designed curriculum as well as the living-in experience in the community center.
We aspire to bridge the perceived gap between work and life, teacher and student, doing and being.

Don't ask what the worlds needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs, is people who have come alive.
Howard Thurman
HANDING OVER the torcH2025
After 3 magical years with DIMA’s core team of the Mystery School, the universe made it clear it was time for a change. With Kanika handing over the torch after 9 years and spreading her work throughout Europe, Bibi and Maarten moving back to Holland to expand their family and create a new conscious business there and Vira sharing her gift with students of her Yin Akademie in Germany, energy has freed up for other, new and fresh souls who love DIMA and are committed and dedicated to live in and serve DIMA’s purpose of supporting ourselves and each other in being the truth of who we are. With Kanika’s continued support, Shan, Sidhamo and Deva are holding and guarding DIMA’s values and way of being, and dear friends Kaja Gutterod from Norway and Rochelle Paijens from Holland joining, DIMA’s team for the coming year is as solid as it is new and fresh. Most importantly, it is fully committed to share the journey of life with each other and any and all friends, family and fellow travellers who seek truth and connection as much as they do.

If you want your mind to be quiet,
Allow your heart to be loud.
Scott Stabile
the story of dima
DIMA was founded in 2015 by Kanika, Charu and Kranti. The project has attracted many friends and helping hands over the years. With all this amazing support, DIMA’s vision of a community center that supports love and growth has come to life.
After 9 years, another change was needed. DIMA keeps grown up and embarks on yet another chapter in its life. Since 2022 it has offered its own curriculum. Initiated from a heart-felt purpose, created by a new team of like-spirited people and backed up and supported by the energy, we are living the adventure of being a Mystery School.
The past years we have shared this adventure with numerous friends and students of life, who also share a deep longing for truth, dare to take leaps out of their comfort zone and acknowledge the need for guidance and support in this unlearning process.
We keep on trusting the organic unfolding of this project and change according to DIMA’s natural rhythm which, once again, steers us into new waters. With a new and fresh team we are ready to open our doors again.