vulnerability as the doorway to freedom. become the man you want to see in the world.
What it is
A day workshop with men, for men. For many of us men we never had healthy masculine role models in our life. Men we could look up to, that could stand grounded in the full power of their masculinity. A potent masculinity that embodied and expressed the full range of masculine energy, from the deepest vulnerabilities, to the formidable strength of purpose. Men that were courageous enough to express and own their emotions, from a clean healthy anger, to sensitivity and joy.
What you can expect
Use the foundations of Cellular Transformation to open us up to a greater wisdom
Explore and inquire into what stands in the way of us living our true masculinity
Build strong and meaningful connections with other men who are willing to show up and do the work
Learn to drop down out of our exhausted minds into the place of our deeper wisdom and truth.
Address the old toxic masculine behaviours that have led to us losing our connection to self, others and the planet
Learn the power of owning and expressing our anger and frustrations
Find strength in exploring our vulnerabilities and facing our shame
Find purpose in discovering and embodying a healthy and powerful masculinity
About the facilitator
Sidhamo is a world traveler and seeker with a deep connection to plant medicine and the jungle. He is a facilitator at DIMA and loves working with people to help uncover the core issues that manifest as stagnant behaviour patterns that no longer serve us. Sidhamo encourages and guides clients to drop into the instinctual felt sense of their body and greater mind in order to unearth and transform old programs and belief structures. Sidhamo works with the structure of CT (in training with Jennifer Millar), and Holistic Counseling (Rafia Morgan & Turiya Hanover). He will closely assist Kanika during all 9 modules of the CT Teaching Program. In men’s work, focuses on building up the healthy masculine while integrating the perceptive and softer feminine. Through the balance of the masculine and feminine, we can live a more integrated self and connect on a deeper, more authentic level.