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community cellular transformation circle

an empowering process that teaches us to trust our own inner guidance system above all else.


In Cellular Transformation circles we sit together in a sacred space to learn, collectively and individually, to tap into the creative intelligence of the Universe in a way that is direct, personal and transformative. By listening to, and backing up the universal language of energy, this process takes our body, mind and soul through a metamorphosis. It is an empowering process that teaches us to trust our own inner guidance system above all else. By incorporating deep listening, with various psycho-spiritual practices in dynamic group work aimed at exposing and healing blind-spots and re-awakening our inherent clarity and strength, we allow ourselves to become available for greater expansion and connectedness.

* Facilitated by Kanika Frings: “Cellular Transformation is a profound wisdom and skill transmitted to me by Jennifer Millar, our amazing teacher and friend, to whom I am indescribably grateful for her ceaseless generosity of love and trust in supporting me to offer this life changing work whilst she trains me. Being a continuous student I am humbled and honoured by the opportunity to be a custodian to this modality of divine intelligence as I practice, learn and teach simultaneously, walking and sharing this path in my own unique and personal way.”


In this circle we will:

• tune into the energy currents of the field and move with what is needed to transform blockages and allow for life flow to lead us
• learn to hear, trust, express and communicate what is seen and felt with great sensitivity and love
• develop a direct and personal relationship to the divine, the Great Spirit that is the all-pervasive source of wisdom, love and freedom. We invite in divine help and practice surrendering to its will and its guidance coming through our centre.

* The Cellular Transformation circles are mandatory for everyone living in the community center of the school for longer periods of time.

In consultation with the facilitator, people living on the island who are connected to the community and may be familiar with Cellular Transformation work, are invited to join the community circle. We ask not to consume alcohol or drugs 3 days prior to the circle and 2 days after the circle, to allow for the full benefits to come through and integrate.

The intention is not only to heal and transform our individual bodies, minds and emotions, but also to clean and expand the energetic space of the collective field that we hold as a community.

During CT circles, we ask everyone to commit to our community center’s guiding principles:

1. Showing op for ourselves.

We are fully committed in honestly facing ourselves and being present to what comes up.

2. Mirroring each other. We dare to reflect unconscious patterns to each other.

3. Taking responsibility. We take full ownership for our personal experience and our part in the field.

4. Opening up to something greater than ourselves.

We acknowledge that we don’t have all the answers and that we can call upon divine guidance.

5. Holding space for the process in loving kindness.

We regard and treat our own and each other’s experience with respect and compassion

ABOUT facilitation

Kanika Frings is a Holistic Counsellor that is extremely passionate about discovering our human potential and thus uncovering the mechanisms within ourselves that stop us from living our essential nature. She has witnessed and experienced our innate capacity to heal and feels it is the most worthwhile endeavour to embark on, the journey of integration, and therefor individual and collective expansion. By intuitively combining a multifold of modalities she works specifically with each persons individual “make up”, both one on one and in group settings, to hone one’s own and the collective, inherent wisdom for insight, healing and transformation.

Her way of working is based and inspired on the Enneagram to Essence Work (Gurdjieff, Ichazo, Hudson, Chestnut & Paes, and others), Essence Work (Diamond Approach, A.H Almaas & Diamond Logos, Faisal Muqaddam ), Cellular Transformation (Jennifer Millar), Holistic Counselling (Rafia Morgan & Turiya Hanover), Somatic Experiencing (Trauma Work, Peter Levine), Gestalt Therapy (Fritz Perls), Constellation Work & Spiritual Coaching (Bert Hellinger & Klaus Horn), Meditation & Mindfulness Techniques (Osho Therapies & others).

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