Wisdom Cycles

The core of the curriculum consists of five 3-week cycles of innate wisdom qualities that support living a truthful life. The wisdom cycles are based upon DIMA’s core values of Commitment, Courage, Curiosity, Vulnerability, and Surrender.

Every 3-week cycle integrates three pillars of seeing (understanding), feeling (experiencing) and being (integrating). This means that we will use and work with the three main centres of intelligence that we have available to us as human beings (the head, the heart and the gut), and look specifically at the blockages that we encounter as a doorway to reconnect these missing qualities, through each of these lenses. 

Each cycle will unravel and reveal an array of issues and attributes relative to each of these five aspects of being. Every wisdom cycle holds an unexpected path for each one of us, that is unpredictable when we begin and precious in tending to the undivided totality of our being as we proceed. No essential quality is more or less valuable than the other, and none bears more or less surprises in their depth as we embark on this mysterious quest toward wholeness.

We will use different bodies of work and a variety of tools and modalities that will support the unlearning process of everything that has gotten in the way of embodying our innate wisdom.


Introduction into the relationship with an innate wisdom and the understanding of one’s limiting and conditioned beliefs and patterns related to this quality. Through the theory of holes we utilise the intelligence of our mind as an entry point.



Working with defences and compensation strategies and the suffering that accompanies them, as a result of the loss of true self. Consciously experiencing places of lack as a doorway to reconnect to our essence.



Shedding outdated layers of identification, gradually embodying an innate wisdom and finding the individual expression of this quality within each of us. Integrating and honouring this facet of our being by becoming present to it.


The five cycles

From reaction to response

In this cycle we will look at our capacity to have a ground to stand firm on in the face of challenges. We will face what keeps us from persevering when it gets hard and invite in that which keeps us from giving up, without it emerging from a place of efforting, but from a grounded and aligned place of being.

Modalities: Meditation Practices, Essence work, Cellular Transformation, Self Inquiry, Gestalt Therapy, Ayurveda & TMC, Bioenergetics, Somatic Experiencing, Group sharing, Enneagram Teachings, Transformational Breath, Systematic Family Constellation, Celebration & Creativity.

Date: April 18th- May 8th

Price: €1.250 for the cycle, €1.500 for the cycle+

From fear to truth

Living our truth can be the scariest thing in the face of a fear that doing so will create separation and conflict in our environment and relationships. In this wisdom cycle we will tap into the truth and longing of our soul and hone the innate wisdom and courage of our hearts to stand up for this truth.

Modalities: Meditation Practices, Essence work, Cellular Transformation, Self Inquiry, Gestalt Therapy, Ayurveda & TMC, Bioenergetics, Somatic Experiencing, Group sharing, Enneagram Teachings, Transformational Breath, Systematic Family Constellation, Celebration & Creativity.

Date: May 23rd – June 12th

Price: €1.250 for the cycle, €1.500 for the cycle+

from fixation to exploration

Our biggest hindrance to making new experiences and growing beyond our comfort zone is need for security that often keeps us trapped in the status quo. Opening ourselves up to the new means go of the old. We will be working with what is in the way of our hearts desire to make new discoveries and risk going into the unknown.

Modalities: Meditation Practices, Essence work, Cellular Transformation, Self Inquiry, Gestalt Therapy, Ayurveda & TMC, Bioenergetics, Somatic Experiencing, Group sharing, Enneagram Teachings, Transformational Breath, Systematic Family Constellation, Celebration & Creativity.

Date: June 20th- July 10th

Price: €1.250 for the cycle, €1.500 for the cycle+

from protection to connection

Being in connection means being vulnerable. Unfortunately we have adapted a myriad of defensive strategies around all the places that have felt hurt and rejected in the past, that now prevent us from experiencing deep connection, both to ourselves and others. We will delicately peel off the layers of protection that keep us isolated and feeling alone.

Modalities: Meditation Practices, Essence work, Cellular Transformation, Self Inquiry, Gestalt Therapy, Ayurveda & TMC, Bioenergetics, Somatic Experiencing, Group sharing, Enneagram Teachings, Transformational Breath, Systematic Family Constellation, Celebration & Creativity.

Date: September 12th- October 2nd

Price: €1.250 for the cycle, €1.500 for the cycle+

from control to trust

Surrender means letting go into something infinitely greater than who we think we are. It means relaxing the ego’s need to be in control of the direction and outcome of its experience. Surrender is giving into the great mystery of life, the divine, great spirit, existence… We will examine our inner and outer power and venture into trusting the boundless wisdom beyond our separate selves.

Modalities: Meditation Practices, Essence work, Cellular Transformation, Self Inquiry, Gestalt Therapy, Ayurveda & TMC, Bioenergetics, Somatic Experiencing, Group sharing, Enneagram Teachings, Transformational Breath, Systematic Family Constellation, Celebration & Creativity.

Date: October 10th- October 30th

Price: €1.250 for the cycle, €1.500 for the cycle+